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The Wise Old Town of Chelm

The most famous town in Jewish folklore, came into being when the Lord sent the Angel Tiyul with a sack of foolish souls to distribute across the entire world, and the angel tripped and spilled them all in the same place. That, we are told, is how we were given a town with sages so wise they captured the moon by shutting its reflection in a barrel of water, so Talmudically adept at outsmarting logic itself that they carried each other on their shoulders to avoid leaving footprints in newly fallen snow. The tales from Chelm have been in print since the 1700s and have been in Jewish folklore for much longer.

As a connoisseur of the Chelm tales and an accomplished and learned story-teller, Ruth Ward-Lee had expertly woven a selection of our favorites together. Collaboratively we have written the script and I have had the privilege of  writing the music and lyrics. Comedically ridiculous and heartwarming this musical has quickly become my personal favorite out of all of my creative exploits.


A show Jews and Goyim alike can enjoy once completed and I am extremely excited to be able to show some of the content of this musical. We are hoping to have some demo recordings released before 2022!

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